Diving Deep into E-commerce Website Development To Optimize Sales

Over the years, eCommerce websites have reached approximately 12 to 24 million. It becomes easier for a newly launched e-tailing site to get lost in this horde. In fact, stats showcase that 8 out of 10 websites fail during their first two years, highlighting the significant challenges of this market.

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So, how can a business gain the limelight in this packed market and boost sales? The way to do this is to develop an eCommerce site that provides users with the online experience they are looking for. It should be equipped with modern technologies to stay competitive and provide a smooth browsing experience. 

However, eCommerce website development requires skills, experience, effort, and time. It is advisable to work with a skilled service provider to develop your desired online commerce website. 

Essential Points to Consider While Developing an eCommerce Website 

As aforementioned, the rising number of e-stores and how quickly the maximum number of stores shut down. Developing a web store that allows a business to take advantage of this lucrative marketplace and varied opportunities becomes quintessential.

Hence, you must carefully consider some points or ways to help you shine in this competition-oriented market. Here are some of the vital points that you should not forget to consider:

Platform Selection

The first step in initiating the development process is selecting the right platform. While performing this step, remember your business requirements.

The availability of various choices can easily confuse you. To reduce this confusion, you can take consultation with an expert company. Otherwise, an in-depth assessment of each platform can be performed to make the right decision, but this can be time and effort-consuming. 

User experience

Consider the user experience, the majority of which comes from the design. Remember, every business operates differently and has different requirements, and users do not expect to land on a website that provides them with the same feeling of revisiting the previous website they took exit from.

This will degrade the user experience and your expectations from your online store. 

Hence, the design of your website should be visually appealing, personalized to your business needs, and captivating enough to keep users engaged.

Moreover, do not miss out on the importance of easy navigation, as it plays a pivotal role in improving user experience. 


It is important to provide a security roof to users who are in a quest to find the right products. Do you know that a secure website helps gain users’ trust? A study states that users take action by sharing their utmost sensitive information with a secured website.

Consider this highly important factor while developing an e-tailing site for your business. Security can not only help you gain user’s trust but also improves the credibility of your business.

It also depends on the platform you choose. Ensure the right security features and plugins are integrated by complying with the data protection regulations. 


Your eCommerce site needs to be scalable to handle excessive traffic without impacting performance. This majorly depends on the website development platform and the hosting you chose to develop your online store. No business wants to develop a non-performant and less scalable website.

This can happen because of a number of things, like integrating excessive third-party plugins, the performance of the database, and various others. 

You should consider using only the required plugins and the right database that performs well.

Moreover, you can use various strategies like code minification, image size compression, implementing caching techniques, and more to ensure that a website performs well.

Simplify Checkout Process

“Abandoned cart” is the premier issue among eCommerce businesses. This can negatively impact the online presence and showcase potential challenges for future growth.

There might be various ways through which a user decides not to buy a product from a business, takes an exit, and moves to another service provider.

Do not let this happen when you decide on website development for eCommerce. Audit your site once it is live and check on various things like:

  • Does the website have the required steps to complete the purchase?
  • Is there any difficulty associated with the steps or the design?
  • Have you integrated the required payment methods?

Consider that you have not skipped any of these points. Also, varied payment methods, or at least renowned ones, should be included to provide users with ease in making purchases. 

Customer Support

If users have any difficulty finding the product or have questions, the first thing they do is find the help center to reduce this difficulty. There might be various reasons, not just these, that require experts’ presence to solve this typical riddle.

Here, it becomes essential to provide optimum support to users. AI-powered chatbots are one such way to provide real-time help to users. Many site owners have implemented these bots and helped potential users stay on their websites longer.

These bots can interact like humans by providing real-time solutions to user queries. This will increase the user retention of your website, which can ultimately increase conversions and sales. 

Mobile Optimization

If you want to develop a successful online store, your website must be well-optimized for smaller screen sizes (mobile phones).

The majority of users utilize mobile phones to buy products online. To do this, you can implement various methods like mobile-friendly navigation, optimize product pages for every screen size, and simplify checkout.

This will ensure that the appearance of your website remains screen-friendly, regardless of the screen a user utilizes. 


The graph of the eCommerce market and websites shows that they are on a rising trajectory with each year that passes. But there is still a way to help you make the most of this industry.

You can make a strong presence by considering the aforementioned vital points. However, every business operates differently and has different requirements, so consider points that relate to your project needs. 

No doubt, development requires expertise, and here, it is good to hire web developers for your project needs.  The experts will help you create a web presence that precisely relates to the requirements of your business.  

Nancy is a founder of Onedesblog and a copywriter with over 8 years of experience. She loves creating showcases with beautiful graphics resources, photography, and cooking. You can read more about Nancy in About Me section or say hi on Twitter.