Both Mac OS and Windows have a wide selection of fonts. But sometimes they do not satisfy your needs when you work as a graphic designer. In this quick guide, we will share how to add fonts to Photoshop.
On the web, you can find many more fonts, both free and paid ones. But downloading the font is only half the battle. You should also know how to install it. Meanwhile, there are several ways.
Photoshop is currently a recognized leader among graphics applications. It has limitless possibilities allowing you to realize the most unusual projects.
However, it comes with a basic toolkit, and sometimes additional features are required. The first step is to use an alternative font that will entice the reader. But how to do it?
How to Add Fonts to Photoshop
If you can not find a necessary font in the standard Photoshop font set, you can easily find other fonts on the Internet for free download.
It is not difficult, and the installation process is also quite simple. There are a few ways on how to add fonts to Photoshop.
Method 1. Quick Font Installation
It is the easiest and fastest option to install downloaded fonts. You will have to do the following:
- Go to the folder with the downloaded font, unpack it.

- Click on the file with the extension .TTF (or .FNT, .OTF) with the right mouse button.
- Select “Install” on the menu.

You do not need to specify exactly where to drop the fonts, because the system will do everything itself. This installation method works on all versions of Windows 7, 8, 10 and Mac OS.
Method 2. Adding Your Fonts to the Fonts Folder
This method will show you the detailed procedure of installing new fonts for Photoshop.
- Go to the “Control Panel” and select “Appearance and Personalization.”
- Click on the “Fonts” label in the window that opens.
- You get into the folder with all the fonts used in Windows. The task is to add a new font to this set. You may drop the downloaded font here, or copy and save it to this folder.

After it, the installation is complete. By the way, this folder contains not only Photoshop fonts but also fonts for other text and image editors.
Method 3. Downloading the Font Only for Photoshop
This method requires to install a font in the system folder. If you need fonts only in Photoshop, then it makes sense to copy them to the folder of the program itself.
To do this, go to the “C:” drive> the “Program Files” folder> “Common Files”> “Adobe”> “Fonts”. And copy here the font files that you want to use in Photoshop.

This installation method ensures that all fonts are displayed in Photoshop only, they will not be displayed in other programs.
Method 4. Font Installation in Photoshop Through Special Programs
If you have to use a large number of fonts, you can use programs such as Adobe Type Manager, Adobe Type Manager Deluxe, and Fonts Expert. They allow you to quickly activate only those fonts that you need now and deactivate them after project completion.
You can view the selected font in this program without installing it in the operating system. This method will protect the system from overload in cases where you have to look through hundreds of fonts in search of the right one, then use it once, and forget it forever.
After you have learned how to add fonts to Photoshop, you can check out our amazing collections of free and premium fonts on Onedesblog: